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Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Whew! This is the 'Ship of Noah' The Future Made In USA

kota Buh atau Noah (New Orlean Arcology Habitat). (Foto ORLEANS - bitter memories of the past can indeed be valuable lessons for improving future.

It probably will happen to the city of New Orleans, Louisiana, United States, Hurricane Katrina devastated terrific in 2005.

Now, a group of designers from Boston trying to rebuild New Orleans by creating a futuristic tall building that claimed to be immune to attacks similar storm.

They have submitted a proposal to build a giant on the outskirts of the Mississippi River.

The building, named City of Noah or Noah (New Orlean Arcology Habitat), it has a high 1.200ft (365.76 meters), with an area of ​​2,787,091.2 square meters and can accommodate up to 40 thousand inhabitants.

NOAH will provide a range of facilities owned by the city, including hotels, shopping malls, casinos, and even schools. This building takes the form of a triangle because it is designed specifically to accept destructive effects are minimal and could miss the storm.

"Our solution is to address the challenges and take advantage of the conflicts experienced by urban buildings that float," said Kevin Schopfer's concept of building designers, as quoted from dailymail site.

The first challenge, Schopfer said, is to find a way so that the building can withstand the physical and psychological damage due to hostile weather. In addition, how to keep the city can provide a safe and stable environment in economic terms.

Another challenge is that the city of New Orleans was on the structure of the soft soil, such as silt and clay. Not only that, most of the city also has an elevation below sea level so it is prone to flooding.

"NOAH could be the forefront of a new era of urban growth."

Schopfer confirms this design can be utilized in many coastal areas and be able to float in a fixed position forever. The new environment is planned to be present at the edge of the Mississippi and extending to the river.

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