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Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Saturn, the World's First Flying Saucer Made in Iran

Gambar ilustrasi. (Foto: - Following the success of last year Iran announced they sent rat, turtles and worms into space, this time Iranian scientists claim to have successfully created a flying saucer-like UFO.

Iranian scientists claim to creating the world's first flying saucer, although it is not clear how high the object is able to fly,

Flying saucer Saturn named Saturn, which means it is an unmanned spacecraft designed for aerial imaging.

Although the flying saucer, named Saturn is unknown and the cruising altitude flying, but from a reliable source, Saturn has been used for aerial imaging and classified as an unmanned spacecraft.

Based on information from the Daily Mail, the object can be used for a variety of missions that are not mentioned details.

Office of Fars media portray it like a flying saucer UFO in Hollywood films pada1950's.

"Shuttle launch and fly a simple, little noise and has the same advantages as other aircraft," according to excerpts from the ISNA (Iranian Student's News Agency's).

The aircraft 'UFO' is equipped autopilot, image stability control, GPS and HD quality recording devices. Iran's space program seems to be a warning to ambitious Western world, because at the same time, missile technology is used for the space program with the technology to build intercontinental ballistic missiles.

It seems that Iran's research on space technology, in tune with the ideals to send a man into space by 2020. Did it work? we'll wait.

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