What happens in the movie Terminator was able terelasisasi on the battlefield today. That means, the shootout at the battle can be replaced by robots, with increasing protests that killed many human soldiers on the battlefield.
It is estimated that the war in the future will be more widely played by high-tech robots. The main objective to minimize the number of casualties the soldiers who fought. "Now, about 8,000 robots have been deployed on the battlefield. They are believed to bring the mission of the military revolution. Much of robots now deployed ashore with non-combat tasks such as taming bombs and drones," he said.
Quinn expressed that the future is very promising use robots more troops on the battlefield, including war vehicles without a human crew. "The closer, you will be shot. This excess robots are able to be controlled from a distance," he said, as quoted by the BBC.
He stressed that armed robots only operate under the control of human soldiers. The reason, until now, he said, the robot can not operate alone. However, according to Peter Singer, author of Wired for War, the speed of modern warfare would make human control more difficult.
As with any automated artillery defense system applied in Afghanistan. "The system will shoot a shot. We can not stop it, we can just turn it on," said Singer.
The question now is, what if the robots are not supposed to attack the target and violate the laws of war? U.S. academic Patrick Lin who works to create ethical robots for the military, said the robot can be programmed to follow a certain standard.
However, he still questioned, "Is it true that we can do with our computers?" he said. Currently, the United States (U.S.) have used sophisticated robots in battle, both in Iraq and in Afghanistan.
The Pentagon has made a vehicle without a driver called the EATR. Robot cars can refuel themselves with organic matter when walking long distances. EATR inventor, Dr Robert Finkelstein of Robotic Technology Inc, said the findings need organic materials as fuel and more vegetarian than humans.
"The robot can only do what can be saved, and he has certain features," he added. According to Finkelstein, the robot was able to avoid the mistakes made by human soldiers. He says the robot is programmed to taste and made that little mistake like killing innocent citizens, and not the enemy.
"Robots do not have the emotional attachment, they do not have fear, they can act in some situations," he said. However, the more skeptical as Professor Noel Sharkey, founder of the International Committee for Robot Control Forces, said that people are more accountable while the engine is not.
"You can train a robot like whatever you want, and make it comply with all the rules in the world., But if what is programmed incorrectly, so yes it is," he said.
With military revolution, Christopher Coker of the London School of Economics, explains, the computer is not able to stimulate the "ethos hero", thinking, and professional military ethics. During this time, the military revolution robots have been applied in such aircraft drone in Afghanistan.
While the application of robots on the ground, is still limited. Meanwhile, Yoshiyuki Sankai, renowned robotics expert from Japan, creating HAL (hybrid assistive limb), a robotic outfit that has been developed to help increase the labor movement and the people who wear them.
Sankai received an official invitation from the Japanese Ministry of Defense to present "clothing robot" made. Sedanngkan Brian Hart, who lost her son, John Hart, who died in the Iraq war in October 2003, making Brian succeeded in creating a bomb detection robot.
He also made a robotic vehicle that is specifically designed to defuse the bomb. The robot, named LandShark (Land Shark) was equipped with a number of sophisticated sensors that can detect and deactivate bombs.
As we know that today is an artificial intelligence advances increase was amazing. Starting from birth Deep Blue created by IBM, which is able to defeat the legendary chess player Kaskarov. As well ambitious project of Japan to create a 5th generation computer-based Artificial Intellegence.
But you know that development - the development of this kind of robot has been around since ancient times, turned the form robot or robot-like creatures that existed before the BC era. We may already know some of the legends about the Golem European societies (such as human beings are formed of stone or clay) or the assistant Hephaestus made of machines - from Greece. But not just any form of imagination, Ctesibius of Alexandria (250 BC) have succeeded in making organ (musical instrument) automatically.
Then sarjawan Muslims, Al - Jazari (1136 - 1206) who makes a design of a robot that can be programmed. The robot according to its etymology means workers, who work hard, or slave. Robots can be interpreted as a mechanical creature (a creature shaped like a machine). The human desire to create an intelligent creature that can work without protest and obedient have done since time renessaince until now. Starting from just a design and then the dream has now become reality.
Similarly, advances in the field of embedded systems especially robotics. Birth of P3 which became the forerunner of a humanoid robot ASIMO has been implemented to help humans, has shown how powerful the development of embedded technology, particularly the field of robotics.The development of robots this time was viewed positively by the department of the United States military. Beginning of the project drones used in the Gulf War II and until the robot is capable of detecting the direction of sniper fire. The development of robots that can replace human soldiers on the battlefield is not impossible has been done by the state - developed countries. This paper focuses on the presence of military robots in the future, which on the one hand the presence of the robot is considered by developers to reduce the death rate of soldiers. On the other hand, it was only exacerbate the current situation.
Progress particular microprocessor hardware and microcontroller participate and take part in robot technology. Microprocessor became the most important parts of robot technology, resulting robot is no longer just be able to walk, but can smile, laugh, sad to see the circumstances surrounding such an artificial robot Kismet Dr Cynthia. These findings then lead to the manufacture of robots not only concentrate on the motion, the amount of leg work and assignments only. The desire to be able to create robots that have feelings like humans and intelligence as humans began to do. This dream may have been represented by the film - Japanese animated films such as Astro Boy or Doraemon.Japan is a country that spent the most money in research and robotic research projects. It can be seen from the implementation of a robot made by the country. Starting from a robot waiter serving food to robots that can replace a television presenter.
Side of ambitious men in the development of robot did not just stop at the public utilities. The desire to make a tool of war that can not be refused the order and did not hesitate in doing the mission must be the dream of the military leaders in any country as well.Human soldiers considered to have many disadvantages, such as moral sometimes up and down. The involvement of the feeling of a mission and the ability to defying orders. It also can not be separated from the lack of interest of young people in developed countries to be a soldier. So that conscription had to be removed. Not to mention the cost to be incurred by the government as a soldier killed in the war, the family of the deceased.
Things - things like the above is the result of a robot can replace the role of war and soldiers in the field is needed.When seen from the economical point of course is more expensive than it cost to train a man to be able to be a good soldier.
In terms of delivery, robot armies superior to human soldiers. Robot soldiers can be mass-produced. Could be a factory can produce tens of thousands of robots in a month, rather than having to find and merekut youth aged 18-25 years.
There are many advantages to be gained by a state if it is able to develop this robot army. No more soldiers should be waged, and no longer a family soldier who was crying because his relatives had been killed on the battlefield.
America as a superpower must have been thinking of cooking - cook about robots - robots that are able to fight. The presence of unmanned aircraft in the Gulf War II had demonstrated the seriousness of the U.S. military in the development of embedded systems, artificial intelligence and robotic technology in the military.
As we all know, the internet is the first project the United States Department of Defense to create a communication system that will not be easily destroyed by physical attacks. Wireless technologies such as mobile phones have now become a daily necessity - day communication in Indonesia can not be separated from the military needs desirous that every soldier can communicate with the command center with ease. Or in Indonesia itself, the use of robots to defuse bombs in Gegana team also included examples of implementation.
Israel itself as a country that has no good relations with the neighboring countries is also rumored to have developed a tank - wireless tank that can be controlled remotely. Obviously this is quite remarkable when viewed from the embedded technology. May occur in the future where every instrument - the military instrument can be driven from a distance of thousands of kilometers.
If you had the presence of robots - military robots from the point of view of the favorable, nonetheless robot - the robot army still has the same purpose as human soldiers are used as a tool to destroy the enemy. Still targets - targets that were destroyed the same, if not military hardware, building definitely human. It - it is this which may make some researchers / developers do not agree the use of robots in the military.
Robots - robots or military instruments made certainly more effective than human soldiers, they did not hesitate to fire bullets, missiles or missile in the direction of adults and children - children. There are no feelings involved only the commands and code - code of instructions that are executed in a bit - bit by a microprocessor, 100% effective.
Humans are also quite aware of the fears about the presence of robots - robots in the military. It can be seen from the Terminator films produced by Hollywood. Where robots - robots out of control military.
The use of embedded systems and artificial Intellegence provide convenience to people in various fields. Implementation of embedded systems and artificial Intellegence is robotics technology. The function of the robot is helpful both to the medical industry. The robot also has the ability to replace humans in dangerous jobs such as working on the role of an astronaut on the space station.
Polemical use of robotic technology in the military has been the debate of experts. Whether it's profitability and the loss will be felt. Any man-made technology can be a double-edged sword that can suddenly strike anyone, including his own master. It has been known since the dynamite to the atomic bomb was found.
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